Quarterly Newsletter of the Florida Chapter of the Association of Professional Genealogists

July 2009

Volume 4, Issue 3

07 January 2008

Meet new member Eileen Taft

[Editor’s Note: This is the first of a regular series on new and current members of the Chapter. Today we feature Eileen Taft, a new member. Another new member, Jacqueline Reiss of Inverness will be the subject of a future story.]

Eileen Taft is a person who knows where she’s going. She walked up to Chapter booth at the FSGS conference last November, and joined with enthusiasm.

Taft, of New Smyrna Beach in Volusia County, is one of the Chapter’s newest members. She has researched families for more than a quarter century. She has a passion for genealogy. She tells prospective clients on her website, “It’s (family research) a lot of fun for me!... I would be thrilled to help you find your family’s ancestors… I love solving a mystery!”

With a BBA in finance, Eileen specializes in immigration, naturalization, Jewish, German, American and Italian American research in the 19th and 20th centuries. She specializes in research in Florida, Georgia, and the South, and her related services are editing and teaching.

Welcome, Eileen, to the Florida Chapter!